Automobile Catalyst Recycling


Automobile Catalyst Recycling

From the past to the present, the number of vehicles is increasing day by day. With this increase, most of the vehicles from the past are scrapped. And every vehicle has a catalyst. Catalysts, which are an indispensable part of automobiles, are materials with considerable weight. All of the elements used in these materials such as ruthenium, platinum, rhodium, iridium palladium, aluminum are very large precious metals. They are metals that are rare due to their value. Since it will be much more difficult to produce these metals from the reserves, it would be more logical to try to separate these metals from vehicles, pass them through crushers, melt them in blast furnaces and reuse them. It will make a great contribution especially economically.

However, on the other hand, all of these processes should be carried out systematically in environments that comply with standards and quality principles, comply with OHS rules and care about worker health. At this point, our company performs these procedures for you. These precious metals separated in the refinery are placed where necessary. Then it is given to the oven whose temperature is adjusted and whose tests and controls have been carried out. In this way, the melting process begins. These separations are carried out by utilizing the difference in melting temperatures of metals. These precious metals, which are usually taken into molds, are then given to the places where they are needed to be used in the market. Our company carries out these works within and under the control of its best teams. All of our teammates, who are never employed unprotected, are educated and connoisseurs of their jobs.

Another important issue is the health aspect of this business. Catalysts contain metals that are hardly soluble in nature. The harms of these catalysts to human, animal and natural health will not be over. Leaving the oxidized ones as a result of unconscious use to nature is nothing but killing the future. These products do not become waste before they pass through our company's refineries. Because unconscious movements take place with the thought that they are scrap. The most important thing in these matters is education. As a result of the wrong practices of people who do not have expertise in the field, both human health is put in great danger and our future is killed. We, our company, are working hard to recycle this and similar wastes in order to prevent them.