Electronic Card Recycling
Electronic cards are collected within the scope of the studies carried out within our company and they are taken in the most appropriate ways for e-card conversion. If we talk about the types, pos device cards, pc motherboards, video cards, mobile phone cards are the main ones. Some of the metals obtained from these cards are precious metals such as copper, gold, silver, palladium. Our refinery is large in scale and contains all kinds of e-cards. The cards that come out of here are recycled by various methods. Our company collects and stores these cards in a way that will never harm human health and sends these cards for recycling when necessary. Our company continues to work with all its sensitivity on this issue, which is of great importance for our country and the world.
Cards are first sorted by size. This parsing then continues with parsing according to their contents. These cards then go into the breaker. Then, precious metals are taken by chemical processes. These are separated. It is collected and stored in copper. Then, when this copper is melted and other chemical processes are completed, gold, silver or palladium is obtained. Although the costs of these transactions are not very cheap considering the gold and silver to be earned on a national scale, they make a serious profit. Our company, which carries out these transactions with hundreds of tons of cards a year, has been providing this service in our country for years. Thanks to both the planning and the experience, determination and experience of our field staff, we are doing serious work. The issue that we pay the most attention to in these matters is the health of people and nature. Because all this effort is actually given to prevent people and our nature from being destroyed again. While this is the case, it is necessary to never deal with these dangerous metals without protection or equipment, without training. Otherwise, the results can be annoying. The electronic card refinery capacity of our company is very high, and of course, as the name suggests, it has the capacity to collect all kinds of electronic cards. And at the same time, we can provide the conversion of all cards with our company and company connections.