Precious Metal Recycling


Precious Metal Recycling

Another unit of our company's refinery system is the precious metal refinery. The characteristic of this refinery is that the metals that will come out of the electronic cards come here and are processed here. The processing process is as follows; Metals coming out of e-cards are separated according to their types and groups. It is then brought to this refinery. It is stored in the facility here. Controls are performed. Then it is placed in boilers and machines that have been systematically prepared and tested before. These machines are actually blast furnaces. The features of these furnaces are that they can keep their heat at very high levels and at the same time, they can melt metals with a fierce combustion and high calories. Melting treatment processes are also carried out in this unit, which is filled with these furnaces. It has been observed that these furnaces and systems, which are generally established for gold palladium and silver, are sometimes used for metals such as copper and aluminum, although rarely. Thanks to the blast furnaces in our company, as mentioned above, these system furnaces, which are established in a systematic and controlled manner, are operated in a controlled manner and precious metals are loaded here. Then, our company officials and teams melt the mines in these furnaces. Melted metals are poured into molds. In general, there are 250-500-1000 gr molds for gold and casting is made in them.

For silver, there are molds of 250-500-1000gr, and silver is poured into them. Palladium is preserved in smaller molds, and copper in larger molds. This is just the casting process. And in this casting process, the main thing is human health. No place where human health is not prioritized can speak of quality. For this reason, our company puts human health first by complying with the requirements of quality standards. As another feature of our company's refinery, we can add the following; storage. Our company, which has a very high amount of precious metal storage capacity, is large enough to store as many minerals as it wants. As a matter of fact, these stored products will then be melted like the ones made before and will be put on the market with the help of crucibles. Although it is known that the basis of this business is already profitable for individuals, the main gain is gained by our country and industrial environment. Since externally different metals and mines can be processed in our refinery, it has the potential to easily process your mines.