

Palladium is in the precious metals group. These metals are not hard to find in nature like other bandmates, but they have valuable properties. For this reason, it is valuable in material terms, and it has a very valuable mass in terms of use.

Palladium metal is one of the platinum group metals, and it is one of the metals with the lowest melting values ​​among the metals in this group. If we talk about some usage areas, palladium is used quite a lot in the electricity sector. At the top of these are automotive electrical systems that can replace platinum and in some cases even replace it. The main parts of these systems are the parts in the ignition systems of automobiles. In addition, another usage area of ​​this rare metal, which is not affected much in the atmosphere environment, is the jewelry and accessories sector due to this exact reason. Palladium used as an alloy material will keep your jewelry shiny and new for a long time.

In fact, palladium is also used in the jewelery and adornment industry. This precious metal, which is also used in the production of white gold in this sector, has entered the pages of science as the metal that gives gold its white color. But one of the most usage areas is catalytic converters, which are an indispensable part of automobile exhausts like all platinum group metals. It is also widely used in the dental treatment industry. It is used in dental filling materials. However, it is a metal that should be emphasized especially in e-waste. It is widely available on laptops and phones. For this reason, recycling is possible.