

Gold has a very important place among metals. In particular, jewelry and valuables are produced from gold, but in fact, it is also used a lot in electronic and technological products.

The symbol for gold is AU. Gold, which is a very important metal, will probably continue to maintain this importance as long as humanity exists. Although it is thought that it has a material value on the basis of this importance, and it is thought that it is difficult to find gold, it is not so when it comes to the root of the business. Gold is also a precious metal, mainly because it is easily found, can be found everywhere, but it is in very small quantities and the costs of extraction and preparation are very high. There are many different types of gold in the sale of ornaments. For example, 1000-500-250 gr. They have nuggets and these nuggets usually vary according to purity values ​​of 999.9 and 995.0. Among the people, gold in many different names and weights such as gram, half gram, quarter, half, full, republic, reşat is indispensable for weddings and special occasions.

We said that gold is also used in electronics, this use is very wide. Most electrical and electronic devices and machines that have a chip, ram, and most likely have gold, with a very high probability. Because gold has a very important place among conductors. The high level of electricity transmission capacity makes gold valuable in this regard.