What is E-Waste?


What is E-Waste?

Especially since the beginning of the 2000s, people have come across the abbreviation "e-" a lot in their daily life. As an acronym for "e-" electronic, it has become the head of many things.

If we explain with examples; One of the systems through which people who formed civilizations communicated with each other was the mail. Hundreds of years ago, these mails were provided by trained homing pigeons. This form of communication used to last maybe days or months. Mankind, who found this period long, developed this mail system with animals moving from the land. When this system was also insufficient, different forms were given to automobiles produced to transport people, and postal transportation was carried out between provinces and even countries through these vehicles. As soon as this system was in place, the "e-mail system" was introduced with advanced technologies. This system, which means e-mail, operates as it is known.

In order for this system to function, there must be an "e-machine". This machine must have an "e-button" to be able to turn "e-processors" on and off an "e-typewriter" to be able to type. All these systems have been performing their duties for years with electric power but with "e-". When their mission is complete, they will become waste, like the mechanical typewriters and radios of the past. At this point, we meet the following concept; "E - WASTE", that is, "Electronic Waste". From computer motherboards to mobile phone boards, from mice to keyboards, from fans to control cards of these fans, every electronic device that has expired is now "E-WASTE". E-waste is now the only part of recycling. Quality metals, materials such as gold, silver and copper have a wide range of uses, not only in these electronic circuits. In this way, these metals are recycled and sold at market prices. On the other hand, plastic materials are melted and reused. E-waste consists of too many elements and polymer-based materials to count. Television, radio modems and many other electronic devices that have expired are ultimately e-waste.